Thursday, May 31, 2007

The kids (aka "little turds")

Colleen and Joseph stuck in the 1980s... I mean visiting Great America in San Jose.

Sisters taking Joseph out to Sea World for the first time in San Diego.

Joseph's favorite photo of all the kids (minus Shane). Circa 1983 @ Sea World. My sisters will have my neck when they see this photo.

Photoshoot after one of Joseph's recitals.

Family trip to Big Bear in the old Previa/Egg Mobile. Salomeh, Nikki, Shane, and Neela. Snow sports has somewhat become a trademark of this family.

Joseph falls in love with snow.

Amy goes PREGO on La Jolla Shores :) with baby Charlotte.

This was a Thanksgiving in 2005 in San Diego. Good ol' times.

That's Pepper, Colleen & Tom's most lovable dog. Now Shane may look like he's giving Pepper a genuine hug... but he's actually trying to squeeze the life out of him! Just kidding, Shane always had the biggest affection for animals.

On that red & green carpet used to lie a huge pool table. There used to be a lot more furniture until Shane & Nikki took over and marked their territory.

Colleen hosts Joseph in San Francisco when he was a teenager... and he falls hopelessly in love with the city. He even thought Chinatown was "cool" back then (Colleen knew that eventually, one day, hope to god, he would learn to hate tourist traps)

Dad visiting Joseph in college. It was a great trip!! That was back when Joseph only wore black clothes...

Joseph's first pint as a college graduate.... and not the last

Joseph Graduates in 2003. Dad looks shocked that he could actually do it.

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